
Sunday, August 14, 2011

And the winner is....

The winner of the giveaway is KEIRA!!! I used to pick a winner, but I don't know how to post the image of the number...I'm not so savvy that way, but the winner is KEIRA!!! CONGRATULATIONS Keira, your little one due in December will surely enjoy these goodies!!!

Monday, August 8, 2011

GIVEAWAY! My 50th SALE on ETSY!!!!

I just made my 50th sale on Etsy! It's a milestone for me, and I want to celebrate! So...if you have a little one, or know someone with a little one, or are going to have a little one, get the idea, then you NEED some Binky clips and Drool Bibs!

See? Binky clips keep that binky from falling to the ground and getting saturated with yucky dirt, lint and mysterious hair! I also use mine as a toy leash, clip one end to the stroller, baby backpack, sling, carseat, shopping cart, and a toy on the other end, and when baby throws the toy overboard, you don't lose it, or have to pick it up, or have to search the car for it! :)
Buckaroo Bandana Drool Bibs, Everett was such a DrOoLer!!! These drool bibs are super absorbent with chenille on the back and they stay super soft. I hated putting bibs on everett because they weren't that cute, it looked like he was getting ready to eat all the time, but the bandana style drool bibs are like a functional accessory! So cute!

In my shop, I have Buckaroo Bandana Drool Bibs...
Binky Clips...
and I also have ties! :)

Winner will receive their choice of -ANY- 2 binky clips and 2 drool bibs from my shop
Here's how to enter:
-Check out my etsy shop: PLaY
-Follow my blog
-Leave me a comment saying you follow, and who you would give your baby treasures to! {Leave your email so I can contact you}

Giveaway will close Saturday Night, tell your friends!!! I'll announce the winner on Sunday! :)